Smart-Video Toothbrush Prophix Recommends Better Techniques


By: Ethan Jacobs,

Leave it to new technology to make everyday tasks, like brushing your teeth, a little more exciting. Prophix, the first-ever smart video toothbrush from dental technology company ONVI, gives you a better idea of what’s going on in that mouth of yours – through live-brushing footage.

The Prophix pairs wirelessly with an iOS app through bluetooth or Wifi to show people the insides of their mouths, so they can gain a better understanding of their dental health and make conscious efforts to improve it. All you have to do is start brushing and video footage on your phone or other smart device will show you what’s happening in there.

See something you want to show your dentist? Prophix allows you to snap photos too. In addition, the technology tracks dental improvement and trends over time, and provides helpful brushing tips to keep your teeth clean and healthy.

Prophix comes with five attachments to enhance your tooth-brushing experience. The standard brush rotates for a deep clean, a mirror helps you to see the harder- to-reach places, a rubber-tip massages your gums and increases blood flow, a Prophy Cup takes care of contour cleaning, and a rubber scaler, sold separately, removes that stubborn plaque from your bottom teeth. Prophix is currently compatible with both versions of each the iPhone 5 and 6, and an Android app is in development.

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Orthodontist: Some things — like braces — should not be DIY

braces DIY

By David Hime,

The “do it yourself” trend has never been bigger.

With YouTube videos to offer step-by-step instructions, with just a few clicks many people often gain false confidence that they can fix their own car, make complex updates around the house and create craft projects worthy of a museum.

The popularity of interior design and mechanic television shows are proof that people are looking to save money by working on projects, oftentimes without the proper expertise. However, a quick Google search for “DIY fails” or “Pinterest fails” shows that not everyone should be attempting to try to do what highly trained experts should be doing for them.

The same principle is true with orthodontic work, but consequences can be dire. A recent rash of teens and adults attempting to do their own orthodontic treatment has experts like me and my colleagues extremely concerned.

Don’t believe me? National outlets like the Washington Post have reported on this new trend of “DIY Braces” and the dangers that come with untrained patients attempting to do the work of highly specialized doctors. Internet sensation and design student Ashely Dudley made headlines a few months ago with his 3-D printed braces.

nnovation is great, but 3-D printing braces when you are unaware of the structural issues you’re facing isn’t smart. The dangers of this approach to orthodontic work are many.

Using clear aligners that are received each week in the mail from online companies is not only potentially damaging, but could end up being much more expensive in the long run. Trying to move a tooth inward, when there is not adequate room for it, may damage neighboring teeth. Trying to move a tooth outward may make it impossible to close all the teeth together, which could create jaw joint and facial muscle imbalances, as well as putting excessive biting pressure on a few teeth.

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Braces for adults

Happy black girl with braces

By Siobhan Harris, WebMD

Braces aren’t just for teenagers. There’s no age limit for getting a perfect smile in fact there’s a growing trend for adults to have orthodontic work.

Orthodontics is basically the movement of teeth within your mouth using braces. They can straighten crooked, crowded or protruding teeth. Braces can also close gaps in teeth and also correct your bite so that your top and bottom sets of teeth meet correctly when you close your mouth.

Most orthodontists have seen a significant rise in adults having braces in the last 5 to 10 years. Also 50% of patients are adults at the moment and several are in their 60s and 70s.

Why have braces?

There are many reasons for deciding to have braces as a grown up. You may not have had them as a teen and feel the time is right now. It may be the case that you’ve always been self-conscious about the appearance of your teeth but haven’t had the money to fix them.

The decision could have been prompted by getting a new job or ahead of a wedding or big birthday when you want to look your best. It may be a parent who’s learned about the benefits of orthodontic treatment while taking her children to their appointments and decided to have them too.

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Retainers After Braces


By: Richard Huott,

Once orthodontic treatment has been completed, the use of retainers after braces is a very important part of the continuing maintenance of teeth and will go a long way toward keeping the same bite and smile that the braces formed over the previous few years. Retainers are fabricated by the orthodontist who performed the orthodontic treatment.

This is customarily done by taking a mold, or impression, of the newly straightened teeth and fabricating the retainer out of wire and/or acrylic material before inserting it during a separate appointment once the dentist or dental lab has created it. In most cases, retainers must be worn for several years, if not indefinitely.

There are two types of retainers after braces: Fixed and removable. Choosing the type usually involves the clinical needs of the individual case, the desires of the patient and the overall compliance that the dentist and patient can expect from retainer maintenance.

Fixed Retainers

The fixed type of retainer is usually a thin wire worn across the back of the lower or upper front teeth, which is bonded in place with a cement similar to that applied on the brackets of braces. Because this type of wire stretches across several teeth, a floss threader or similar cleaning device must be used to access the interproximal spaces between the teeth, which is similar to how people with braces have to floss. Despite the fact that this type of retainer takes a little more work to keep clean, it has the best outcome because the bonded wire will hold the newly straightened teeth in perfect formation 24/7.

Removable Retainers

The removable type of retainer is usually a combination of a wire going across the front of the lower or upper front teeth held in place with a combination of acrylic material and hooks (or clasps) that insert in and around the back teeth to hold the retainer in place. Since it is removable, this type of retainer makes it easier to clean your teeth, but the patient has to remember to wear it daily. Initially, your orthodontist will want you to wear it all day and all night for at least three months; if no movement is detected, you may be instructed to wear the retainer only at night or for a few hours in the daytime.

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3D printer toothbrush – Clean your teeth in 6 seconds


By: Steve Carl,

The new tailored brush design is developed by a team of dentists, engineers, computer scientists, and dental prophylaxis experts for a Spain based company Blizzident. They use a mold of your teeth- for creating a custom made brush- which is made from a 3D scan of your teeth taken by your dentist.

The brush device can be placed on the surface of your teeth at a 45 degree angle. By just biting and grinding, a dense field of tailored bristles is cleaning all your teeth within 6 seconds.

Each brush contains about 400 bristles which is 10 times more than an ordinary brush and it will last for at least one year.

“You simply bite and release quickly 10-15 times. This creates the little vibrating or jiggling upwards-downwards. By grinding, while your teeth are closed, additionally cleans the top surfaces of your molars.” Bizzident explained, how it works.

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Foods And Drinks That Cause Tooth Decay In Children

tooth decay

By: Bindu,

Unhealthy foods and drinks can cause tooth decay in children. Foods that are high in carbohydrates, certain fruit juices, sodas, potato chips, raisins and peanut butter are some of the culprits that cause tooth decay in children. Children who prefer consuming soda are prone to tooth decay and obesity. It can also lead to osteoporosis and diabetes in the later period of such a child’s life.

In order to prevent tooth decay, children should rinse their mouth with water after their meals without fail. They should also make it a habit to brush their teeth before going to bed. Regular dental check-ups do help to a large extent in maintaining the health of the gums and teeth. Children should also be taught flossing techniques, as that helps to prevent tooth decay.

The following are some of the foods and drinks that children and toddlers should avoid:

Juice: Juice contains a lot of sugar content that causes tooth decay in children. Sugar is harmful for the teeth. The bacteria feed on the sugar and cause cavities in the teeth. These bacteria can also irritate the gum leading to a lot of gum disease.

White Foods: White rice, white bread and plain pasta could lead to gum diseases and tooth decay. They are harmful to the teeth, as they stick easily to the teeth leading to tooth decay and gum disease. Therefore, do refrain from feeding your children with white foods.

Raisins: Raisin is another food substance that is not safe for the children’s teeth. It is loaded with sugar and sticks to the teeth easily that may harm the children’s teeth. The bacteria rely on the sugar present in the raisins and result in a tooth decay.

Soda: Consuming soda can wear away the enamel from the teeth. Soda is associated with obesity and bad dental health. The acids present in soda can damage the children’s teeth too. It also increases the risk of cavities and tooth decay.

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Clean Teeth, Healthy Gums Are of Utmost Importance for Healthy Heart


By: Marco Reina,

Brushing teeth is an integral part of our dental care routine. From childhood, we’re taught that brushing teeth twice a day is of the utmost importance to maintain oral hygiene as well as the health of the teeth and gums.

Health experts are now link brushing and cleaning the teeth regularly to revitalization of human heart!

According to experts, brushing your teeth regularly will not only give you a healthy set of sparkling whites, radiant smile and clean mouth but also lessen your risk of developing heart disease.

Not brushing the teeth and poor oral hygiene could lead to dental decay or cavity and gum disease also called gingivitis. These oral health conditions augment the bacterial count in the oral cavity. These bacteria from from infected gums dislodge, enter the bloodstream, and travel to the damaged heart valves to cause infection.

Gingivitis can be a reason for cardiovascular disease because bacteria from infected gums travels through the bloodstream into blood vessels and increase clot formation.

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What Causes Tooth Decay???



Our tongues, gums, and teeth are loaded with bacteria. Most bacteria within our bodies are very helpful, but some bacteria can cause our bodies problems. For instance, some types of bacteria that live in our mouths can cause tooth decay.

Tooth decay happens when the bacteria in our mouths use the sugars in the foods that we eat, producing in an acid that can cause a cavity within a tooth. The bacteria can use sugars and also starches to produce acid.

While it is widely regarded that foods such as candy and sugary drinks such as soda, juice and milk cause cavities, foods such as breads and pastas, which contain starches, also help the bacteria to produce acids.

A cavity develops through the constant exposure to acid. These prolonged exposures break down the enamel, removing its minerals; a small white spot on the tooth is evidence that this has occurred.

Following an acid attack the enamel can harden again, by using minerals from saliva. However if the acid attacks are too frequent or prolonged, decay can result.

Diet is very important to the prevention of tooth decay. Eat and drink sugary foods and drinks on special occasions. Try not to snack all day long; enamel needs some time to repair itself between meals. Do not eat or drink anything that contains sugar, after you have brushed your teeth for the night.

Bacteria will have ample time to convert those sugars to acids while you sleep. Also, make sure to brush your teeth at least twice a day.

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More adults opting for braces

adult braces

By: John Overall,

More adults are trying to set things straight when it comes to their smiles. They’re getting braces to improve their looks and boost their confidence, but they’re also improving their health.

Many of them needed braces as children, but they had to wait until they could afford them. The cosmetic reasons for getting braces are obvious, straighter teeth, make a better smile. Straighter teeth also means better health.

With straighter teeth, the gum tissue is healthier and the bone underneath the gum tissue is healthier because of the way it functions.

Another reason adults are lining up to get their teeth in line is because today’s braces are nearly invisible and the latest generation of Invisalign braces are stronger and more advanced.

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Why Are Orthodontics So Important?

thumbs up

By Denise Freese,

Everyone wants a pleasant, beautiful smile, but not many people are blessed with straight, white, lovely teeth. Although regular visits to your dentist will help you have teeth that are clean and white, orthodontics are necessary to fix teeth that grow in crooked or emerge in the wrong location. Orthodontic treatment is a short-term investment that yields lifetime benefits.

Teeth in malocclusion (the top and bottom arches don’t line up correctly) are difficult to clean, and may lead to periodontal disease, tooth decay, and tooth loss. Other orthodontic issues, such as crooked, misaligned teeth, a distinct overbite, and upper teeth that protrude outwards can cause abnormal wear of tooth surfaces, speech problems, difficulty in chewing food, and problems with the jaw joints. They can also increase the possibility of fracture due to trauma.

The American Association of Orthodontics recommends that each child be checked by an orthodontist by the age of 7. Early intervention that takes advantage of the patient’s growth can help make corrective treatment easier and quicker.

Orthodontics are designed to treat the issue presented. They can be removable or fixed (cemented) into place, and can be made of metal, ceramic, or plastic. The goal is to use gentle pressure to move teeth into their proper position, after which the body builds new bone to support the teeth in their new location.

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